Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last Days in Huangdao

Well, we are finishing our last day in Huangdao, China at the University of Science and Technology. Jimbo arrived two days ago from a 4 day bike ride along the eastern Chinese coast. Since then we have been busy introducing him to students and other teachers, climbing a mountain at the south end of our campus, introducing him to our town with shopping and local restaurants, eating lots of Chinese food, and he even got a trip to the local police station unaccompanied by either of us!

Below, Jimbo is tesing his free climbing skills on a local mountain a short walk from our school.

We reached the top! In the distance you can see our school campus.
The Torch Relay is arriving in Qingdao on Monday. They are very excited about it with lots advertising. Even you can be a torch bearer in the local bank!
When dad arrived on campus, he was outfitted in his full bike riding regalia. As soon as he arrived, I got a phone call from one of my students wanting to take pictures together. So Jimbo got to meet several students and plug JB Outdoors and bike riding at the same time. They still think its incredible that he rode that far! Below are two of my English major Freshmen students, Brad and Slinda. They asked if this kind of clothing was fashionable in the U.S.!
This is a classic Chinese pose by the lake at the University. We are posing with our student Joey who is a Mechanical Drawing major but took an English discussion class with both of us.
Our last night in Huangdao we had a wonderful Chinese banquet with the Tang family. We have tutored their son Patrick for the past year and we have become very close with them over that time. They are our liasons with the Chinese culture and dad met a kindred spirit in Lu, the dad over this meal. Below are all the boys toasting with traditional Chinese spirits called Baijiu and Jenny, the mom, and me.

Saying goodbye over the last week or so has been hard! We will miss so many things about China, but most of all our students and the friendships we have cultivated. But right now its still hasn't sunk in that we will be back in the U.S. in 1 week!
We are heading to Dunhuang tomorrow which is in Gansu Province in the Gobi Desert. We are going to see the famous Mogao Buddhist caves, sand surf, ride camels, and sleep in the desert. We will write more about that on our return to the US.
We just wanted to say thanks to all our loyal readers! We will post a final blog on our return.

1 comment:

Ebi said...

hi, I am from Malaysia. I am going to Huangdao in May this year. I search the info about the place and reach your blog.

Which places would recommend to visit to in Huangdao?